MIL STD- Testability Program for Electronic Systems and Equipments

Keywords electronic systems electronic systems and equipments MIL STD testability program

4. General Requirements
4.1 Scope of testability program

This standard is intended to impose and facilitate inter-disciplinary efforts required to develop testable systems and equipments. The testability program scope includes:

a. Support of and integration with maintainability design, including requirements for performance monitoring and corrective maintenance action at all levels of maintenance.
b. Support of integrated logic support requirements, including the support and test equipment element and other logistic elements.
c. Support of and integration with design engineering requirements, including the hierarchical development of testability designs from the piece part to the system.

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military standard
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1. Scope

1.1 Purpose
This standard provides uniform procedures and methods for establishing a testability program, for assessing testability in designs and for integration of testability in designs and for integration of testability into the acquisition process for electronic systems and equipments.

1.2 Application
This standard is applicable to the development of electronic components, equipments and systems for the Department of Defense. Appropriate tasks of this standard are to be applied during the Conceptual Phase, Demonstration, Validation Phase, Full Scale Development phase and Production phase of the system acquisition process.

1.3 Tailoring of tasks
Tasks described are intended to be tailored as appropriate to the particular needs of the system or equipment acquisition program. Application guidance and rationale for selecting and tailoring tasks are included in Appendix A.

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