MIL STD- Electromagnetic Interference Characteristics Requirements for Equipment

Keywords electromagnetic interference characteristics MIL STD requirements for equipement

4. General Requirements
4.1 Application of Standard
The requirements of this standard shall be applied to electronic, electrical and electromechanical equipment as indicated hereinafter.

4.1.1 Equipment
The requirements of this standard shall be applied to units or equipments that are intended to operate as individual items. Individual equipment classes are defined in Table I. Application of each test requirement for the particular equipment class shown in Table II.

4.1.2 Government Furnished Equipment
Equipment furnished by the Government to a contractor may, unless the test data is furnished by the Government, require testing by the contractor for conformance to the equipment item class and limit requirements. Application of suppression measures to meet the requirements shall be detailed in the control plan.

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military standard
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1. Scope

1.1 Scope
This standard covers the requirements and test limits for the measurement and determination of the electromagnetic interference characteristics (emission and susceptibilility) of electronic, electrical and electromechanical equipment. The requirements shall be applied for general or multi-service procurements and single service procurements, as specified in the individual equipment specification, or the contract or order.

1.1.1 The requirements specified in this standard are established to:
(a) Insure that interference control is considered and incorporated in the design of equipment
(b) Enable compatible operation of the equipment in a complex electromagnetic environment

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