MIL STD- Procedures for Performing a Failure Mode Effects and Criticality Analysis

Keywords failure mode effects and criticaility analysis MIL STD procedures for performing a failure mode analysis

50.1.3 Intended use.

The FMECA is potentially one of the most beneficial and productive tasks in a well structured reliability program. Since individual failure modes are listed in an orderly, organized fashion and evaluated, the FMECA serves to verify design integrity, identify and quantify sources of undesirable failure modes, and document the reliability risks. FMECA results can be used to provide the rationale for changes in operating procedures for ameliorating the effects or for detecting the incipience of the undesirable failure modes. Although the FMECAs unessential reliability task, it supplements and supports other engineering tasks through identification of areas in which effort should be concentrated. The FMECA results are not only used to provide design guidance, but they are used advantageously in and for maintenance planning analysis, logistics support analysis, survivability and vulnerability assessments, safety and hazards analyses, and for fault detection and isolation design. This coincident use of the FMECA must be considered in FMECA planning and every endeavor made to prevent duplication of effort by the program elements which utilize FMECA results.

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l.l Scope.

This standard establishes requirements and procedures for performing a failure mode, effects, and criticality analysis (FMECA) to systematically evaluate and document, by Item failure mode analysis, the potential impact of each functional or hardware failure on mission success, personnel and system safety, system performance, maintainability, and maintenance requirements. Each potential failure is ranked by the severity of its effect in order that appropriate corrective actions may be taken to eliminate or control the high risk items.

1.2 Application.
This standard applies to the acquisition of all designated DoD systems and equipment. It primarjly applies to the program activity phases of demonstration and validation and full-scale engineering development; e.g., design, research and development, and test and evaluation. This standard also can be used during production and deployment to analyze the final hardware design or any major modifications. The FMECA tasks contained in this standard apply to all items of equipment. This standard does not apply to software. Appendix A contains additional application and tailoring guidelines.

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