MIL STD- Task Performance Analysis

Keywords MIL STD task performance analysis


A task performance analysis shall be performed and reported during development and acquisition of military systems, equipment, and facilities to ensure effective man/machine and man/man interface design, to facilitate effective training program development, and test and evaluation, and to provide information for manning and workload studies. These activities shall begin in the early stages of the design phase of system development and be continued throughout system development and acquisition. Report(s) of task performance analysis efforts shall provide to the procuring activity such information as is
required by the relevant Data Item Description(s).

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military standard
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1.1 Purpose.
This standard defines the requirements for performing a task performance analysis where such analysis is required in the development or acquisition of military systems, equipment, and facilities.

1.2 Applicability.
This standard prescribes the requirements and deliverable products of task performance analysis in all engineering and support functions including training, human engineering, manpower, personnel, system safety, workload analysis, logistic support analysis, and testing and evaluation.

1.3 Application guidance.
In determining the applicability of the tasks herein and tailoring them to a program, MIL-H-46855 should be used to determine if a task analysis is to be required. If a task analysis is required, this standard should be tailored to accommodate equipment design, training, test and evaluation, manning, and workload functions, as appropriate. For additional information on application, refer to paragraph 6.4 and the appendix on tailoring and application guidance.

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