MIL STD- Parts Control Program for Non-developmental Items (NDIs)

Keywords MIL STD NDI nondevelopmental items parts control program

4. General Requirements
4.1 General

This section contains a breakdown of the steps involved in the NDI process, the scope of work in the NDI contract, and the responsibilities of both contractor and Government activities during the partys control process.

4.2 Steps
For purposes of this standard, the following steps are used to indicate the tasks/actions athat must be initiated and completed for a successful parts control engineering review program:
Step 1- NDI acquisition contract
Step 2- Parts number screen
Step 3- Parts control engineering review
Step 4- Implementation of parts control engineering review decisions
Step 5- Parts control engineering reviews based on ECP actions

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military standard
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1.1 Purpose
The purpose of this standard is to specify the requirements for conducting an effective parts control program in the acquisition of an NDI system form time of contract award and continuing througgh the operational (fielding) phase of the system.

1.2 Objectives
The objectives for applying the parts control engineering review provisions of this standard in an NDI acquisition contract are:
a. To conserve resources and reduce life-cycle costs by minimizing the introduction of new replacement items into the military supply system
b. To maximize the use of established standard parts and items available in the military supply system.
c. To apply engineering principles and standardization techniques to identify and select standard parts as alternative to proposed (new) repair parts without adversely affecting the performance of the NDI system.

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