MIL STD- Technical Manuals Maintenance Instructions

Keywords maintenance instructions MIL STD technical manuals

4.1 General.
Maintenance instructions shall be prepared for weapon systems, major equipment, components and applicable support and interface equipment. Maintenance procedures and supporting illustrations shall be prepared so that maintenance personnel can perform all required operator through depot level (overhaul) maintenance. This information shall be contained in work packages and become a part of a Maintenance Instructions Information Chapter.

4.2 Development of maintenance instructions.
Maintenance instructions shall be prepared for all items comprising the weapon system/equipment, such as assemblies, subassemblies, components, wiring, junction boxes, and accessories. Tasks shall be presented in the order in which they are performed. Sound engineering principles and techniques, approved Logistics Support Analysis (LSA), service experience, performance data on similar equipment, and all other reliability, availability, maintainability (RAM) data available shall be used in the preparation of specific maintenance instructions.

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1.1 Scope. This standard establishes the technical content requirements for the preparation of maintenance instructions for weapon systems and equipment Technical Manuals (TMs) and Depot Maintenance Work Requirements (DMWRs). These requirements are applicable for both paper and digital page-oriented TMs. Electronic delivery of maintenance instructions for TMs is accomplished through the use of the Maintenance Instruction modular Document Type Definition (DTD). The DTD is available in digital format. Refer to MIL-STD-40051 for information on obtaining this DTD. All maintenance requirements necessary to develop Operator (-10), Unit (-20), Aviation Unit Maintenance (AVUM), Direct Support (DS) (-30), Aviation Intermediate Maintenance (AVIM), General Support (GS) (-40), and/or depot level (overhaul) TMs are included.

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