MIL STD- Procedures for Performing A Failure Mode Effects and Criticality Analysis

Keywords criticality analysis effects failure mode MIL STD procedures

50.1 General considerations. This standard has been structured to facilitate the tailoring of FMECA requirements based upon individual program needs. Program variables such as system complexity, funding, and schedule influence the level of detail and timing of the FMECA and must be considered when tailoring the requirements. All programs do not require the same level of detail and all programs should not wait until full scale development to implement the FMECA requirements.

50.7.1 Level of detail.
The level of detail applies to the level of indenture at which failures are postulated. The FMECA can be accomplished at various levels of indenture from system to part level depending upon the information available and the needs of the program. The lower-the indenture level, the higher the level of detail since more failure modes will be considered. The choice of the level of indenture must be compatible with the program cost and schedule constraints and the system reliability requirements. A less detailed analysis which is available in time to contribute to system reliability is more valuable than a more detailed analysis which is late and makes changes costly and unfeasible. In general, the FMECA should not be performed below the level necessary to identify critical Items or to the level required by the LSA candidate list, whichever is lower. The depth and detail of the FMECA effort must be defined in appropriate contractual and program documentation.

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10.1 Scope
This appendix provides notes for the gufdance of the procuring activity In generating the contractual requirements for a failure mode, effects, and criticality analysis (FMECA).

10.2 Tailoring requirements.
Each provision of this standard should be reviewed to determine the extent of applicability. Tailoring of requirements may take the form of deletion, addition, or alteration to the statements In Sections 3 and 4 and any specified tasks to adapt the requirements to specific system characteristics, procuring activity options, contractual structure, or acquisition phase. The tailoring FMECA requirements are specified in the contractual provisions to include input to the statement of work, contract data item list (CDRL), and other contractual means.

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