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NASA STD- Planning, Developing, Managing and Effective Reliability and Maintainability (R&M) Program

Keywords (R&M) program developing effective maintainability managing NASA STD planning reliability

4.1 NASA R&M Policy

NASA Policy Directive (NPD) 8720.1, “NASA Reliability and Maintainability (R&M) Program Policy,” describes the R&M policies that apply to all NASA Enterprises, Centers, and Institutional Programs. This policy is based on the understanding that NASA has a business objective to obtain products and services at a high level of excellence at minimum cost. A R&M investment provides benefits throughout mission life which may not be immediately evident during development and production. For example, correcting a design flaw after deployment costs many times the cost of correcting it during design. It is management’s responsibility to translate system performance requirements into an effective R&M program.

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1.1 Purpose
This technical standard for reliability and maintainability (R&M) provides guidance to customers (or purchasers) and suppliers (or contractors) on R&M requirements development, design implementation, and evaluation. It has been developed to provide a centralized source of information for establishing R&M performance-based requirements, design factors, and metrics for use on all new NASA programs/projects and contracts. It addresses the challenge of managing mission risk in the development and operation of cost and time constrained flight programs/projects and other NASA assets.

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