MIL PRF- Training Data Products

Keywords MIL PRF training data products


4.1 Classifications of inspections. This specification provides two types of verification (Type A and Type B), which can be used for the verification of training data products. Acceptable evaluation criteria values shall be as specified in the contract. The inspection requirements specified herein are classified as follows:

a. Training data product accuracy and completeness verification procedures (See 4.2.1).
b. Training data product life-cycle maintenance verification procedures (See 4.2.2).

4.2 Training data product accuracy verification.
Verification Types A and B, listed below, shall be used to verify the accuracy, completeness, and life-cycle maintenance capability of each training data product as specified in the contract. Each verification type involves two steps: 1) examine the product to determine the percentage of accuracy and, 2) evaluate the results of the examination conducted in step one to determine that the evaluation criteria values specified in the contract are met. Examine and evaluate – these words are used throughout this section and are to be viewed as separate but related steps of the verification process. The quantity of training data to be examined and the evaluation criteria values (stated as a percentage or as pass/fail) shall be as specified in the contract. Equipment hazard, personnel safety, and environmental related data shall be examined for 100% accuracy. The evaluation will be a review of the examination results and a determination as to whether the training data product meets, exceeds, or fails to meet the evaluation criteria values (stated as a percentage or pass/fail) as stated in the contract. The Government maintains the right to re-examine data to ensure its integrity.

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1.1 Scope.
This performance specification for training data products (See 6.5.38) establishes data requirements to support the life-cycle maintenance of training data products and is a source document for training (See 6.5.37) related Data Item Descriptions (DIDs). This specification may be used by contractors and the Government in establishing the training data requirements to be delivered.

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