RSA MIL STD- Ergonomic Design Human Computer Interaction

Keywords ergonomic design human computer interaction MIL STD
Document identifier
Vol. 3 (issue 2)
Date published
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military standard
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RSA-MIL-STD-127 Volume 3: Ergonomic Design: Human Computer Interaction (HCI) provides the ergonomics requirements and recommendations for visual display terminals (VDTs) in which display screen equipment is used in typical operational tasks, communication and data processing. The ergonomics considerations for body-mounted computers are being research and this Standards will be updated accordingly. The purpose of this Standard is to promote good ergonomics for the tasks that require use of computer equipment, thereby ensuring that the users can perform the required tasks efficiently, safely and comfortably. In practice this can be achieved by careful selection or development of the computer equipment, proper configuration or the workplaces and the provision of optimal working environment where the computer equipment is used, as well as by the way in which the computer tasks are organised and managed.

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