DID- Depot Maintenance Study

Keywords depot maintenance DID maintenance study

10.1 Reference documents
The applicable issue of the document cited herein, including their approval dates and dates of any applicable amendments, notices, and revisions shall be as specified in the contract.

10.2 Format
The Depot Maintenance Study format shall be as indicated in each appendix descriptions.

10.3 Content
The Depot Maintenance Study shall contain the following appendices:
10.3.1 Appendix A
A list of reparable items in generation breakdown sequence, including applicable National Stock Number (NSN) failure rates, and a listing of the shops or areas within a typical depot affected by each line item. Pertinent specific remarks shall be included.

10.3.2 Appendix B.
A cross-reference to Appendix A, listing Appendix A items in Part Number sequence.

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3. Description/Purpose

3.1 The Depot Maintenance Study lists reparable items and the tools required for depot maintenance. All requirements in areas such as qualitative, inspection, special skills, space and facilities, and time standards are included in this study.

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