DID- Critical Items List

Keywords critical items DID items list

10. Preparation Instructions

10.1 Reference Documents
The applicable issue of the document cited herein, including their approval dates and dates of any applicable amendments, notices, and revision, shall be as specified in the contract.

10.2. Content Instructions
10.2.1 Critical Item list content.
The list shall contain the following data:

a. The identification of each critical item with cross-reference information such that it is possible to trace directly to the related failure modes, effects and criticality analysis (FMECA) entry and to drawings, schematics, and hardware (Refer to task 204.2.12 of MIL-STD-1543B).

b. Identification of the page of the FMECA describing the related failure modes.

c. The reason or criteria causing the item to be classified as critical.

d. A summary in specific terms for each critical item of the compensating features, controls, and other practices incorporated or planned to minimize the likelihood or effect of the critical items failing during the life of the program. Specific documentation containing compensating features shall be referenced.

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