DID- Department of Defense (DoD) Design Criteria Standard

Keywords design criteria standard DID DoD

Use, Relationships: A DoD Design Criteria Standard will be used to specify military-unique design or functional criteria that must be adhered to in the development of systems, subsystems, equipment, assemblies, components, items, or parts.

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DID- Department of Defense (DoD) Design Criteria Standard.pdf application/pdf   272.47 KB English DOWNLOAD!
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This Data Item Description contains the content and format preparation instructions for DoD Design Criteria standards and their associated documents that are described in the following paragraphs of MIL-STD-962D. Only those documents listed below will be required when specified individually on contract.
a. DoD Design Criteria Standard – Paragraphs 4.1 through 5.15.
b. DoD Design Criteria Standard Revision – Paragraph 5.17.
c. DoD Design Criteria Standard Change – Paragraphs 5.18 through 5.18.7.
d. DoD Design Criteria Standard Inactive for New Design Notice – Paragraph 5.19.2.
e. DoD Design Criteria Standard Cancellation Notice – Paragraph 5.19.3.
f. DoD Design Criteria Standard Reinstatement Notice – Paragraph 5.19.4.
g. DoD Design Criteria Standard Reactivation Notice – Paragraph 5.19.5.
h. DoD Design Criteria Standard Administrative Notice – Paragraph 5.19.6.

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