Military standard requisitioning procedures (MILSTRIP) reconciliation listing

Keywords military reconciliation listing military standard military standard procedures MILSTRIP

7. Application / Interrelationship

7.1 This DID contains the format and content preparation instructions for the data product generated by the specific and discrete task requirement as delineated in the contract.

7.2 This MRL is applicable to contracts over $100,000 in value and 6 months in duration.

10. Preparation Instructions

10.1 Format. The MRL shall be in contractor format.

10.2 Genral. The reconciliation listing of requisitions not received shall include all MILSTRIP requisitions placed and not received or cancelled by the contractor for the current and two preceding years. It is in document number order sequence by Operating Budget Account Number (OBAN).

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DID- Military standard requisitioning prodcedures (MILSTRIP) reconciliation listing.PDF application/pdf   104.64 KB English DOWNLOAD!
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3. Description / Purpose

3.1 The MILSTRIP Reconciliation Listing (MRL) is a list of requisitions unreceived by the contractor. The listing is used to reconcile the contractor's fund status with the status of funds maintained on the Contractor Requisition and Billing System.

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