Contractor's Progress, Status and Management Report

Keywords assigned tasks balance report contractor's progress report reports costs status and management report
Standards groups

The Report shall include:

a. A front cover sheet which should include the contractor's name and address, contact number, nomenclature of the system's
program, date of the report, period covered by the report, title, either the serial number of the report or the contract
data requirements list (CDRL) sequence number, the security classification, and the name of the issuing Government
b. Description of the progress made milestones during the reporting period;
c. Results, positive or negative, obtained related to previously-identified problem areas with conclusions and
d. Any signification changes to the organisations organisation or method of operation to the project management network,
or to the milestone chart;
e. Problem areas affecting technical or scheduling elements with background and any recommendation for solutions beyond
the scope of the contract;
f. Problem areas affecting cost elements, with background and any recommendations for solutions beyond the scope of the

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The Contractor's Progress, Status and Management Report indicates the progress of the work and status of the program and of the assigned tasks, report costs, and informs of the existing or potential problem areas.

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