Software Resources Data Reporting: Final Developer Report and Data Dictionary

Keywords data dictionary data reporting final developer report software reporting
Standards groups

Software Process Maturity.

The SRD report shall report the characterization of the developer’s software process maturity using a methodology such as the Software Engineering Institute (SEI) software Capability Maturity Model (CMM), the Capability Maturity Model Integration (CMMI)-SW, or an alternative equivalent rating. The reported software process maturity shall reflect the rating that the primary development organization has formally certified as of the date of the reporting event. Identify the name of the person that performed the assessment, the evaluator’s affiliation, and the date of certification. If no formal certification has been conducted, leave these items blank. If a single submission is used to represent the work of multiple organizations, enter the level of the organization that will be expending the most effort on the development project (not necessarily the prime contractor) and note this in the associated SRDR Data Dictionary. If the Government has accepted an alternative assessment mechanism, such as the Air Force’s Software Development Capability Evaluation (SDCE) or ISO-15504, enter those results and explain the meaning of the assessment in the SRDR Data Dictionary.

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This Data Item Description (DID) contains information about the sample format, content, and intended use for the data deliverable resulting from the task in the statement of work. This data deliverable consists of two parts. The first part, the Final Developer Report, is used to obtain the actual (as-built) characteristics of a software product and its development process.

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