Keywords architecture framework DoD framework information management technical framework
Standards groups

An information system includes support and mission oriented applications, computing
platforms, and communications networks. The current DoD information system technical
infrastructure consists largely of stovepiped, single-purpose, and inflexible systems that are
costly to maintain. These systems reflect a multiplicity of approaches to migrate toward open
systems with each one progressing on its own path with limited attention to interoperability.
The evolving DoD enterprise vision for IM emphasizes integration, interoperability, flexibility,
and efficiency through the development of a common, multi-purpose, standards-based technical
infrastructure. This vision requires a new paradigm for building technical architectures and
information systems that improve the effectiveness of functional operations to include their
efficiency and use of technology throughout the DoD.

The emerging concepts for warfighting depend upon information being managed as a
Department-wide resource. Joint campaigns should fully exploit the “information differential,”
which is the superior access to and ability to effectively employ information on the strategic,
operational, and tactical situation that advanced United States (U.S.) technologies can provide
our forces. This information differential requires a seamless interface between the “foxhole”
and the support base, between intelligence and operations, and between the DoD and its
suppliers. However, today there is no unifying DoD IM technical architecture guidance that
can satisfy these goals.

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This volume presents an overview of the Technical Architecture Framework for Information
Management (TAFIM). It relates information technology (IT) and information management
(IM) guidance published in the Department of Defense (DoD) directives, instructions, and
manuals to the TAFIM.1

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