Health Hazard Assessment Report (HHAR)

Keywords hazard assessment report health report hhar
Standards groups

Identification of health hazards issues. A description and discussion of each potential or actual health hazard issue of concern for each subsystem or component. A health hazard is an existing or likely condition, inherent to the operation, maintenance, transport or use of material, that cause of death, injury, acute or chronic illness, disability, or reduced job performance or personnel by exposure to physiological stresses.

System breakout. Use subparagraphs for each subsystem or component, with additional sub paragraphs for each health hazard discussion. Include sufficient detail to clearly define the specific problem, issued involved and reasoning behind the analyses.

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Health Hazard Assessment Report (HHAR) are used to systematically identify and evaluate health hazards, evaluate proposed hazardous materials, and propose measures to eliminate or control these hazards through engineering design changes or protective measures to reduce the risk to an acceptable level.

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