NASA Software Documentation Standard NASA-DID-999

Keywords did 999 nasa did nasa documentation nasa software
Standards groups

If the document is for a lower level element, cite the appropriate document at the next higher level. Forexample, a Management Plan would cite the Management Plan for the next higher level software system,
or the Product Specification would cite the Management Plan and the parent's Product Specification. If
there is no higher level, state "None."

If this is a rolled-out document, cite the parent document. If this is a rolled-out document from anotherrolled-out document, cite each document in the hierarchical path back to the parent document, startingwith the document immediately superior to this one.

Date published
Document type
Data Item Description (DID)
Defines standard
Replaced/Superseded by document(s)
Cancelled by
Amended by
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NASA_DID_999.pdf application/pdf   85.2 KB English DOWNLOAD!
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Identify this physical document in terms of its relationship to the parent volume(s) in this documentation set. For documentation set volumes, identify the parent(s) in the decomposition tree for the software system.

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