Systems engineering

Keywords systems engineering
Standards groups

Conversely, traditional systems
engineers use deductive reasoning
and analytical tools derived from hard
science and mathematics to analyze and trade
options to develop system concepts. Now, however,
increasingly complex systems are presenting
more options than can be realistically analyzed
and traded.

So, as system complexity increases, the systems
architect becomes more important. Systems
engineers and others who develop today’s
system architectures must study architecture
processes and heuristics and develop their inductive
reasoning ability in recognition of the
character of this “front-end” systems engineering
process for highly complex systems.

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As an industry, we have been “architecting”
aerospace systems ever since the first Wright
brothers biplane was built. But only in recent
years have aerospace systems engineers begun
to recognize systems architecture as an important
discipline within systems engineering, one
with its own unique methods and practitioners

Jimmy L. Allison
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