Incose SA Newsletter

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The visit to South Africa was a first for Sarah Sheard who also made presentations at both the Gauteng and Western Cape Chapter meetings during August 2011. We had extremely positive feedback on her tutorial and presentations, and it appears that the experience was reciprocal judging by the following extracts from an e-mail she wrote to the CMC upon her return to the United States: “I would like to thank you … for the extraordinary experience…… during my first visit to your country and continent. ……. this was the best business trip I have ever been on.”

As for ISEM 2011, it was most gratifying to observe how the mechanics of critical mass came into play to elevate the customary single-track INCOSE SA conference to a five-track event boasting more than 100 papers and tutorials and 250+ registrations. Surely, this is a clear message that collaboration with like-minded societies and organisations is the way to go for future INCOSE SA conferences.

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Two main events took place, namely a tutorial presented by internationally acclaimed Ms Sarah Sheard and the ISEM 2011 conference jointly hosted by INCOSE SA, SAIIE (South African Institute for Industrial Engineering) and the Graduate School of Technology Management (GSTM) – these events are covered in articles elsewhere in this newsletter. The tutorial took place at Denel Land Systems in Lyttelton, Gauteng to accommodate those who were unable to travel to the ISEM 2011 venue at the Spier wine estate near Stellenbosch in the Western Cape.

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