The Five Levels of Requirements Management Maturity

Keywords levels of management management maturity requirements of management
Standards groups

Have you ever become frustrated because you couldn't find a
requirements document? At Level Two, you need a central, well known
location for the requirements, one that is accessible by all users. Think
about security, too. Whether you use simple file system security or a more
sophisticated technique, limiting the ability to modify requirements to
authorized persons only can help ensure the requirements' integrity.

Instituting version control for your requirements can also save time and
prevent frustration by ensuring that you always know whether or not you
are working on the most current versions of the specifications. In addition,
you will always know who has made a change and why they made it.

These are not the only benefits of getting to Level Two, because you will
automatically enhance the advantages of Level One. When your
requirements are more readable and easier to understand (and more
trustworthy), you will have a better basis for a contract with the customer,
the development team will find the requirements easier to use, and new
staff will be able to come up to speed more quickly.

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This article looks at the decisions organizations make and what they do as
they move up the scale in requirements management maturity (RMM).
Just as hiking up a mountain has a cost (in energy and time), so does this
climb upward. Therefore, as we look at the benefits of reaching higher
levels of maturity, we will not ignore the investment required in terms of
time, effort, and money. In addition, we will analyze how automated
requirements management (RM) tools can help support organizations
striving for greater RM maturity.

Jim Heumann
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