Keywords INCOSE incose newsletter incose uk newsletter
Standards groups

At a local level things are also happening, and with your
assistance even more could be done. Since the last
Newsletter there have been meetings at Bristol and
Rochester. We must thank Chris Davies and Richard
Smith for organising these. As you can see from my
report of the Bristol meeting it was a resounding success,
and Chris is hoping to follow this up with more meetings.

I have not yet had a report on the Rochester meeting (I
would still welcome one), although I understand that the
attendance was more modest. Local meetings are still
something of an unknown quantity, when we have done a
few more in different areas of the country we should be
able to obtain some metrics. In the meantime we will try
to run as many local meetings as possible.

If you have any views on what has already been provided or what
might motivate you to venture out on a rainy Wednesday
evening (a well known MoE for audience motivation) then
please let me or John Mead know.

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It’s Never Too Late…
Well that’s not strictly true, it soon will be, if you want to attend INCOSE ‘99 at Brighton. Everything looks set for a cracking event, so it would be a pity to miss it for the sake of filling out the form. The fax machine at PCMI, the conference providers, is waiting for your registration
form, and in John Mead’s article that follows he reminds you how to get hold of one of those.

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