Midsummer Madness

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Standards groups

Several consequences result. One is that enterprise
concepts such as the theory of the firm, organizational
theory, and even the purpose of enterprises are being
overtaken by new concepts. Likewise practices such as
corporate structures, governance and compensation are
producing unsatisfactory results. Similarly, business
models, processes and practices as well as their
automation systems are not only obsolete but key
impediments to enterprise evolution. Finally, managers
are increasingly overwhelmed by complexity and are
"preying" on subordinates or "praying" for leadership.

Only the more intelligent enterprises will survive - those
with the better agility, response-ability and goal-seeking
behavior. Survival is too important to be left to managers
who are not also well versed in systems thinking,
identification, design/architecting, engineering,
adaptation and learning.

Systems engineering of Intelligent Enterprise is not about
creating systems that enable or improve an enterprise
but about creating an enterprise as a high performance
whole system.

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A large part of what INCOSE is involves sharing
information and experience, therefore I’d like to
investigate the interest in and opportunities provided by a
discussion section on the web-site. Any other
suggestions on the web-site structure or content are

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