Keywords asdefcon core price and payments
Standards groups

The liquidated damages amounts in this Attachment D shall be subject to adjustment in
accordance with the formula, LD
A LD CPI, where:

a. ‘A’ means adjustment;
b. ‘LD’ is the value of the relevant liquidated damages amounts at the Effective Date;
c. ‘CPIi’ is the CPI number for the quarter ending immediately before the date on
which the liquidated damages are paid to the Commonwealth; and
d. ‘CPIo’ is the CPI number for the quarter containing the Effective Date.
2.2 In this Attachment D, ‘CPI’ means the Consumer Price Index, All Groups, weighted average
of eight capital cities published by the ABS, or if that Index is no longer published by the ABS,
the index published by the ABS in substitution for that Index.
2.3 To avoid doubt, when the Commonwealth elects to accept compensation in lieu of liquidated
damages under clauses 7.12.3b of the conditions of contract, the value of the compensation
to which the Commonwealth shall be entitled is equivalent to the amount of liquidated
damages that would otherwise be payable to the Commonwealth, as varied by the formula
set out in this Attachment D.

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Attachment B consists of the following Annexes:
A. Milestone Prices;
B. Prices for Recurring Services;
C. Prices for Task-Priced Services;
D. Rates for Survey and Quote Services;
E. Schedule of Payments;
F. Adjustments; and
G. Incentive Payments.

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