Air Traffic Services Safety Requirements

Keywords air traffic services safety requirements
Standards groups

Safety Freedom from unacceptable risk of harm. (IEC 1508)
Safety Assurance Shall mean all planned and systematic actions necessary
to afford adequate confidence that a product, a service,
an organisation or a functional system achieves
acceptable or tolerable safety. (EU 1035/2011)
Safety Assurance

A document which clearly and comprehensively
presents sufficient arguments, evidence and
assumptions that system hazards have been identified
and controlled for both engineering and operational areas
to demonstrate that a facility, facilities or organisation is/
are adequately safe in air traffic service requests.
Safety Integrity (SI) The probability of a safety-related system satisfactorily
performing the required safety functions under all the
stated conditions within a stated period of time.

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The following terms have been defined to remove any doubt about the
meaning of instructions in the text of this and associated documents. In
CAA publications, where a term is used, which is defined by ICAO in a
relevant Annex or PANS document, that definition will apply unless
the contrary is indicated.

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