Keywords development system joint doctrine system
Standards groups

Use of approved joint doctrine during contingency and crisis action
planning facilitates both planning for and the execution of operations.
Planning for joint operations is continuous across the full range of military
operations using two closely related, integrated, collaborative, and adaptive
processes -- the Joint Operation Planning and Execution System (JOPES) and
the joint operation planning process (JOPP). JOPES and JOPP share the same
basic approach and problem-solving elements, such as mission analysis and
COA development.

Joint doctrine provides a basis for analysis of the mission,
its objectives and tasks, and developing the commander’s intent and associated
planning guidance. The development of the COA using decision-making
processes is also based on joint doctrinal principles. JOPP provides a detailed
and orderly way of translating task assignments into an operation plan or an
operation order in crisis action planning. However, the COA development
phase in JOPP involves both art and science and has its foundation in joint
doctrine. Joint doctrine provides fundamental guidance on how operations are
best conducted to accomplish the mission.

Document identifier
CJCSI 5120.02B
Date published
Document type
Defines standard
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This instruction sets forth policy and provides detailed procedures
to assist the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff (hereafter referred to as the
Chairman) in implementing the responsibility to “develop and establish
doctrine for all aspects of the joint employment of the Armed Forces” as
directed in references a and b.

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