Impact Assessment of IEEE 1471 on The Open Group Architecture Framework

Keywords Impact Assessment of IEEE 1471 on The Open Group Architecture Framework
Standards groups

IEEE 1471 distinguishes views of a system and the viewpoints from which those views are constructed. IEEE 1471 makes explicit the notion of an architectural Viewpoint to embody the rules governing a view. It is anticipated that this will allow the definition and reuse of viewpoints, so that varying approaches to
architecture may better be able to exchange results, and that in general the growth of the discipline will be facilitated by codifying certain useful patterns of description. To the extent that it is helpful to capture the recurring (reusable) resources for describing a particular kind of view, it is useful to declare its viewpoint. (See the standard [4] for the requirements on declaring a viewpoint. For discussion, see [2].)

I recommend that TOGAF declare the viewpoints (IAW P1471) that it wants
to promulgate for reuse. TOGAF can make a valuable contribution to the community by serving as a “repository” for viewpoints in its Resource Base. For purposes of tailoring, or extending TOGAF, users should be permitted to develop new viewpoints, as long as they are declared and used in conformance with the requirements of IEEE 1471.

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