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The Institute for Operations Research and the Management Sciences (INFORMS)(link is external) is the largest professional society in the world for professionals in the field of operations research (O.R.).

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Subject: [Iol-news] What's New on INFORMS Online, February 3, 2003
Date: 4/2/03 4:51 PM
Received: 4/2/03 7:22 PM
From: Brian Borchers, sends email)
To: sends email)

What's New on INFORMS Online, February 3, 2003:

Read Pate-Cornell and Fischbeck, "Risk Management for the Tiles of the
Space Shuttle," Interfaces 24(1), Jan-Feb 1994, 64-86.
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OR/MS Tomorrow (student newsletter) Student Paper Competition deadline
extended to Feb 15, 2003. $100 prize for the winner, to be published
in OR/MS Tomorrow.
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Visit the INFORMS 50th Anniversary Store.
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Bid for your autographed copy of the 50th Annivarsary Issue of
Operations Research on eBay. Bidding closes 1:00am EST Feb 7.
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Conference pages are up for the May, 2003 Practice Conference.
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Conference pages are up for EURO/INFORMS, July, 2003.
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Conference pages are up for the Atlanta Annual Meeting, October, 2003.
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There are numerous updates to the prizes page, including calls for
nominations and winners.
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Iol-news mailing list sends email) is external)

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