Overview of the EIA 632 Standard: Processes for Engineering a System

Keywords ANSI/EIA-632 systems engineering systems engineering process
Standards groups

EIA632 Overview

2/2/03 6:36 PM

Overview of the EIA 632 Standard:
Processes for Engineering a System

James N. Martin
Raytheon Systems Co.
6600 Chase Oaks Blvd M/S8497

Plano, TX75023

j-martin@ti.com(link sends email)

Document identifier
EIA632 Overview
Date published
Document type
technical white paper
Defines standard
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The EIA 632 standard has been developed that describes the “processes for
engineering a system.” This standard evolved from EIA/IS 632—the interim standard that
describes a systems engineering process. This paper will describe the structure of the
standard, elements of theprocess, and key concepts such as stakeholder requirements,
enabling products,building blocks, and development layers.


In April 1995, the G47 Systems Engineering Committee of the Electronic Industries
Association (EIA) chartered a working group to convert the interim standard EIA/IS 632 into
a full standard. This full standard has been developed over the last three years and is
planned for release in July 1998.

The interim standard, EIA/IS 632, was titled “Systems Engineering.” The full standard
was expanded in scope to include all the technical processes for engineering a system. It is
intended to be a higher level abstraction of the activities and tasks found in the IS version
plus those other technical activities and tasks deemed to be essential to the engineering of a

This paper describes the elements of the process, and key concepts. The intended
purpose is to give the reader of the standard somebackground in its development and to help
other standards activities indeveloping their ownstandard. (Since this standard was not
released at the time of this paper submittal, some differences may be found between this
paper and the released version.)


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