ANNOUNCEMENT: New EIA Standards to Address Data Interoperability and Configuration Management

Keywords announcement configuration management data interoperability defense standards DoD EIA Electronic Industries Alliance standards
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• Cooperative GEIA/DoD Enterprise
• Broad-based Team Effort
• MIL-STD-973 to be cancelled; MIL-STD-2549 to be replaced by industry standard

GEIA announces that it is launching a new standardization project in partnership with the
Department of Defense. Development of new industry standards will enable DoD to issue a
cancellation notice for MIL-STD-973 immediately and MIL-STD-2549 as soon as practical.

DoD will continue the on-going effort by the Service Custodian/Industry Partner Team to
complete MIL-STD-2549A revisions during the first quarter of 2000. GEIA will use this material
as a basis for a new series of related standards that will emerge incrementally and of a scope to
fulfill the requirements of both industry and government trading partners. The focus of the new
standards will be to provide fundamental reference information to facilitate interoperability
regardless of specific schema and applicable to any method of data transfer. The new standards
will continue to have a configuration management focus, specifically with relation to the transfer
of controlled information and data required to perform CM functions.

The project will involve three GEIA Committees: G-33 (Configuration and Data Management),
G-47 (Systems Engineering), and the new Information Technology and Integration Committee. It
will also involve advisory partnerships with other associations such as the Aerospace Industries
Association (AIA). A Core Working Team and an Oversight Group will be formed in January
and will include both Industry and Government representatives. An draft Action Plan will be
presented for review January 25-27 at the G-33 Quarterly Meeting in Albuquerque, NM.

The ANSI-approved EIA standards process provides for open forums and reviews that afford all
interested parties an opportunity to participate. The process itself fosters broad based acceptance
and use by both Industry and Government. The project will start by focusing on the core elements
of the existing body of work and evolve consistent with emerging interoperability methods and
through continuing coordination with other relevant groups and organizations.

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