Tendeval: Tender Evaluation Software Description

Keywords software tool tender tender evaluation
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In a departure from the obvious approach of supporting tender evaluation using a
single, monolithic evaluation breakdown structure, the design concept implemented
by Tendeval is to use the breakdown structure paradigm as a tool applicable
separately to the assessment of Compliance, Value and Competence as well as a
working-level tool available for use by evaluators for low-level analyses.

In Tendeval, Evaluation Breakdown Structures and Evaluation Elements are
decoupled, which allows different structures to be applied to a single set of
evaluations, thus facilitating sensitivity analysis and other what-if analyses. Structures
may also be segmented, which allows portions of a structure only to be made
available to evaluators, which is a way of maintaining confidentiality through a need-
to-know principle. For example, specialist evaluators from outside a project may
assist a Tender Evaluation Working Group (TEWG) without being privy to the whole
TEWG evaluation perspective.

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