Capabilities Development and System Acquisition Management

Keywords acquisition acquisition mangement capabilities development capability

For the Army, the focus of the capabilities development and materiel system acquisition management systems is producing military units that are adequately trained, equipped, and maintained to execute the National Security Strategy (NSS) and National Military Strategy (NMS) effectively by developing and acquiring warfighting systems that are affordable and support the national strategies. To facilitate an understanding of the process, this primer will begin by highlighting some of the critical aspects of capabilities development.

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This primer describes the DOD and U.S. Army management systems used for capabilities development and research, development, and acquisition (RDA) of materiel systems. These systems can be viewed simply as a combination of structure, process, and culture.
• Structure is the sum of the guidance provided by law, policy or regulation, and the organization provided to accomplish the capabilities development and system RDA management functions.
• Process is the interaction of the structure in producing the output.
• Culture is the cumulative sum of past practices and their impact on interpretation of guidance and attitude toward institutional changes to the system.

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