Lean Enablers for Systems Engineering

Keywords lean enablers lean manufacturing systems engineering

Lean Thinking Captured into Six Lean Principles

1. Customer defines value
2. Map the value stream: plan all end-to-end linked actions and processes necessary to realize value, streamlined, after eliminating waste
3. Make value flow continuously: without stopping, rework or backflow (valid iterations OK)
4. Let customers pull value: Customer's 'pull/need' defines all tasks and their timing
5. Pursue perfection: all imperfections become visible, which is motivating to the continuous process of improvement
6. Respect people

From Lean to Lean Systems Engineering:

The crash protection system shall provide means for protecting aircraft occupants (i.e. pilots, aircrew, troops, and passengers) from severe and fatal injuries caused by acceleration and contact forces, fire, toxic gases, submersion, and other hazards associated with crash survivable aircraft crashed. The system shall also provide occupants both the time and the means to egress rapidly and safely, once the aircraft has come to rest. In addition, survival and rescue equipment on-board the aircraft shall be protected from crash damage so that occupants can readily access the equipment after a crash to support post-crash survival, enemy evasion, and rescue. The system may consist of both autonomous elements integrated into the aircraft solely for the purpose of providing crash protection, as well as aircraft structural and subsystem elements modified to enhance occupant crash protection. The system shall be integrated into the aircraft to achieve efficient overall protection for aircraft occupants, while limiting cost and weight penalties to acceptable levels. The system’s performance requirements are defined in this document within the following three areas:

a. Aircraft crash protection envelope
b. Occupant exposure limits to crash hazards
c. System functional elements

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