Team Software Process (TSP) Body of Knowlegde (BoK)

Keywords BOK team software process TSP

As the character of engineering technology has changed in the post-industrial revolution, an increasing proportion of engineered products are actually components of entire systems of products that directly support end-use applications such as driving, flying, or medical diagnoses and treatments. These products and systems must meet critical performance, safety, security, survivability, and usability requirements. Not only must these modern engineering products be of the highest possible quality, but they also must meet business-critical schedule and budget constraints.

Modern engineering work requires teams for work products that are too large or too complex to be completed by a single engineer. Furthermore, the modern engineering workforce must work in close cooperation with people who have the variety of domain skills required for the system’s design and implementation. This requires a work environment in which people with vastly different skills can work together to produce quality products that meet their functional, architectural, and property requirements. The Personal Software ProcessSM (PSPSM) and Team Software ProcessSM (TSPSM) technologies provide such an environment by proving individuals and teams with a framework for creating or tailoring processes that all members can follow, for communicating in a common vocabulary, and for planning and tracking their work using a
commonly accepted set of measurements and standards.

The PSP is a disciplined and structured approach to developing software that was developed in 1993 by Watts S. Humphrey [Humphrey 1995]. By using the PSP concepts and methods in their work, individuals in almost any technical field can improve their estimating and planning skills, make commitments that they can meet, manage the quality of their work, and reduce the number of defects in their products. The TSP was introduced in 1998, and builds upon the foundation of
PSP to enable engineering teams to build software-intensive products more predictably and effectively [McAndrews 2000].

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The Team Software Process Body of Knowledge (TSP BOK) was drafted to define the fundamental knowledge and skills that set TSP-trained individuals apart from other software professionals. It helps individual practitioners to assess and improve their own skills, provides employers with an objective baseline for assessing the process improvement skills and capabilities of their development team members, and guides academic institutions that want to incorporate TSP into their software and other engineering courses or curricula. The TSP BOK also facilitates the development of TSP certification programs that are based on a well-established standard set of knowledge and skills. The TSP BOK is intended to provide a high-level comprehensive overview of the competencies that compose the essential knowledge and skills required for the competent implementation of the TSP as a team member, team leader, coach, or manager of a TSP team. This document is not meant to provide detailed descriptions or in-depth explanations of the concepts, practices, and procedures of every component in the TSP. Rather, the purpose of this document is to provide an
overview of the competencies, knowledge areas, and key concepts and skills that constitute the essential knowledge, skills, and abilities of competent TSP practitioners.

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