DND/CF Architecture Framework (DNDAF)

Keywords architecture framework DNDAF

1.1 Background

The Canadian Defence Planning Guide (DPG) 2001 called for the use of enterprise architecture within the Department of National Defence and the Canadian Forces (DND/CF). The Directorate of Enterprise Architecture (DEA) was stood up with the purpose of establishing enterprise architecture as a practice. This practice is managed through the DND/CF Enterprise Architecture programme (DND EAP) and focuses on three main areas: enterprise architecture (EA) development, EA management and EA client support. This publication of the DND/CF Architecture Framework (DNDAF) Volume One: Overview and Definitions is one of a four volume set of DNDAF documentation intended to provide EA information and guidance to architects across DND/CF. These four DNDAF Volumes (hereafter referred to as the DNDAF) replace the interim guidance that was provided in March 2005 recommending the interim use of the United States Department of Defense Architecture Framework (DoDAF). The publication of the DNDAF provides guidance for the continued development of the DND/CF Enterprise Architecture (DND EA) and constructive feedback from users is greatly appreciated.

1.2 Purpose

The purpose of the DNDAF Volume 1 is to provide an overview of enterprise architecture including: its components and the benefits that can be realized by a complex organization such as the DND and the CF; an overview of the approach taken to develop and implement EA as a common practice in the development of individual projects and initiatives within the DND/CF; and to provide definitions of commonly used enterprise architecture terms. The DNDAF documentation will provide explicit details of the DND EAP including: the framework, the methodologies and tools used to build, analyze, modify, manage and maintain the DND/CF Enterprise Architecture. Enterprise Architecture cannot be captured and maintained centrally; therefore the DNDAF establishes the conditions for centralized definition and coordination of architecture with de-centralized execution. This means that all architects in DND/CF will follow the framework and methodologies described in the DNDAF to ensure that all architectures product and models will be integrated within the overall enterprise architecture repository.

1.3 Scope

DNDAF Volume 1 will focus on a description of the fundamentals of EA, its benefits to the DND/CF, the classes of architecture, an overview of EA frameworks and tools and how these EA fundamentals are applied in the development of the DND/CF EA. These four volumes will specify a detailed method and a set of supporting tools for developing and maintaining the DND EA. The DNDAF will also provide the rigorous basis for DND EA life-cycle management including the governance, design, building, analysis and change management of EA. The DNDAF is a living document and will evolve in detail and rigour over time.

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Volume 1
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