Acquisition Logistics Support Plan (ALSP) Guide

Keywords acquisition acquisition logistics logistics support

Acquisition reform has brought about many changes in the acquisition process. These changes have been instrumental in reducing costs, decreasing acquisition cycle times, and improving contract performance. A significant factor in the success of acquisition reform implementation has been the cooperation of all parties involved to develop quality products to the warfighter. Today, there are several other revolutions underway within DoD that challenge us to be prepared for uncertainty; to be prepared to fight differently, and in different conflicts than we have fought before. Our focus has shifted to such things as information dominance, rapid force projection, and smart contained weapons. As we modernize our armed forces, this revolution is defining what we must buy, how we must buy it and who will sustain it. Long term emphasis on the need for change was essential to maintain a preeminent military force structure. Many initiatives were implemented to institutionalize new attitudes and effect the necessary changes in cultural behavior. These initiatives were derived from three sources, major legislation, process action teams and regulatory reform. Several offices were established throughout DoD to support acquisition reform efforts, including the Deputy Under Secretary of Defense for Acquisition Reform and the Office of the Secretary of Defense. In addition, designated pilot programs were given statutory and regulatory relief to “test drive” new ideas and processes. To realize the vision of Acquisition Reform, and to sustain the momentum, DoD made a commitment to undertake the following goals:

• Adapting the best practices of world-class customers and suppliers;

• Continuously improving the acquisition process to ensure it remains flexible, agile, and, to the maximum extent possible, based on best practices.

• Provide incentives for acquisition personnel to innovate and manage risk rather than avoid it; and,

• Taking maximum advantage of emerging technologies that enables business process re-engineering and enterprise integration.

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