Military Handbook- Reliability Prediction of Electronic Equipment

Keywords electronic reliability military handbook reliability for electronic equipment reliability prediction

The Reliability Problem:

When it is proposed to design an electronic system to perform a complex and demanding job, it is assumed that the required investment will be justified according to the perfecting by which the job is performed or by the large number of times which the system can do the job. This assumption cannot be justified when a system fails to perform upon demand or fails to perform repeatedly. Thus it is not enough simply to show that a chasm can be spanned by a bridge; the bridge must continue to span the chasm for a long time to come while carrying useful loads.

In the design of complex electronic systems, such an assumption as mentioned above is, in fact not accepted. Instead considerable effort is made to obtain reliable system performance. Unlike bridge building and other evolving technologies, it is recognized that the electronics art, especially complex military system, is often in revolution. It is sometimes referred to as an exploding technology. Without time for orderly evolution of systems, applications of electronics suffer most from unreliability.

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Military Handbook- Reliability Prediction of Electronic Equipment (1986).PDF application/pdf   11.48 MB English DOWNLOAD!
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• This handbook establishes uniform methods for predicting the reliability of military electronic equipment and systems. It provides a common basis for reliability predictions during acquisition programs for military electronic systems and equipment. It also establishes a common basis for comparing and evaluating reliability predictions of related or competitive designs.


• This handbook contains two methods of reliability prediction 'Part Stress Analysis' in Section 5.1 and 'Parts Count' in Section 5.2. These methods vary in degree of information needed to apply them. The Part Stress Analysis Method requires the greater amount of detail information and is applicable during the later design phase when actual hardware and circuits are being designed. The Parts Count Method requires less information, generally that concerning quantities of different part types, quality level of parts, and the application environment. This method is applicable in the early design phase and during proposal formulation.

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