DoD Acquisition Logistics

Keywords acquisition acquisition logistics logistics

Acquisition logistics is a multi-functional technical management discipline associated with the design, development, test, production, fielding, sustainment, and improvement modifications of cost effective systems that achieve the user’s peacetime and wartime readiness requirements. The principal objectives of acquisition logistics are to ensure that support
considerations are an integral part of the system’s design requirements, that the system can be cost effectively supported through its life-cycle, and that the infrastructure elements necessary to the initial fielding and operational support of the system are identified and developed and acquired. The majority of a system’s life-cycle costs can be attributed
directly to operations and support costs once the system is fielded. Because these costs are largely determined early in the system development period, it is vitally important that system developers evaluate the potential operation and support costs of alternate designs and factor these into early design decisions.

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military handbook
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This handbook is for guidance only. This handbook cannot be cited as a requirement. If it is, the contractor does not have to comply. This handbook offers guidance on acquisition logistics as an integral part of the systems engineering process. The information contained herein is applicable, in part or in whole, to all types of materiel and automated
information systems and all acquisition strategies. However, this handbook does not present a “cookbook” approach to acquisition logistics—such an approach could not accommodate the vast, widely varying, array of potential materiel acquisitions. It does offer examples and points to consider to help you shape your overall thought processes. The focus of this handbook is on providing guidance to the members of the DoD acquisition work force who are directly concerned with the supportability of materiel systems or automated information systems. It addresses:

· How systems engineering fits into the acquisition process.
· Supportability analyses as part of the systems engineering process.
· How to develop supportability requirements.
· The acquisition and generation of support data.
· Logistics considerations for contracts.
· The logisticians role on integrated product teams.

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