FED STD- Quality Control System Requirements

Keywords FED STD quality control requirements system requirements

5.10 Written procedures
The contractors shall maintain a current written quality control procedure. This procedure, and all changes thereto, shall be available to the Government representative. It shall describe the administration of the quality control systems in use and list authorized names and titles for Government contracts. It shall include:

a. An organization chart which clearly depicts the place of quality control functions.
b. Persons performing quality control functions, their responsibilities, and authority in dealing with the Government on contracts.
c. A flow chart of productions.
d. Inspection stations, inspection procedures, test methods, 100 percent inspection, statistical techniques, formation of lots, lot sizes, collection of samples, sample sizes, frequency of sampling, acceptance/rejection criteria, identification of lots, segregation of lots, disposition of rejected lots, corrective action, and procedure for recording results of inspection
e. Calibration of equipment, frequency, procedures, traceability to standards and records
f. Samples of quality control forms, tags, charts, labels, and any other written matter used to control quality

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1. Scope
This standard establishes minimum requirements for a quality control system to be provided and maintained by a contractor under Government contract for furnishing supplies or services. The contractor's quality control system shall include the methods, procedures, controls, records, and maintenance of the system to provide verification of product compliance with contract requirements. The extent of this system shall depend on the complexity of the item under contract. A written description of this system shall be prepared by the contractor and shall be available to the Government. A contractor's quality control system shall be reviewed by the Government and is subject to the disapproval of the Government representative when the contractor's procedures will not accomplish their objective.

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