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Guideline for Lifecycle Validation, Verification and Testing of Computer Software compressed

Keywords computer software lifecycle testing validation verification


VV&T is a process of review, analysis, and testing employed throughout the software lifecycle to ensure the production of quality software. The review and analysis should include the examination of the
development product and the documentation at each phase. Figure 2.1 presents an overview of the VV&T activities that should accompany each phase of development. This summary provides a framework from
which a VV&T program can be tailored for specific projects. Each lifecycle phase is comprised of both development and VV&T activities. In order to emphasize their relationships to each other, the following sections elaborate on both the development and VV&T lifecycle activities and their products. Uppercase titles are used for VV&T activities and products for which the VV&T team is responsible. The VV&T team may be members of the development group, the same organization, or an independent group.

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manager's guide
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This Guideline presents a methodology of lifecycle validation, verification, and testing (VV&T) for computer software. It is addressed to people associated with software development and maintenance
including managers, developers, verifiers, maintainers, and end-users. This Guideline is a basic reference guide for ensuring the production and maintenance of quality software. It recommends that VV&T be performed throughout the software lifecycle.

A software lifecycle is the period of time beginning when the software product is conceived and ending when the resultant software products are no longer available for use. The software lifecycle is typically broken into phases; such as requirements, design, programming and testing, installation, and operations and maintenance. Each phase consists of a well-defined set of activities whose products lead to the evolution of the activities and products of each successive phase. From the outline of the specific lifecycle activities and products of a particular software project managers can more easily direct, and end-users can examine the progress of the software development and maintenance. Software developers and maintainers have a welldefined set of tasks to perform. Verifiers, by checking the products of these tasks

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