Final System Design Document

Keywords design document final design final system document system design document
Standards groups

Equipment and infrastructure were deployed at several live PSAPs that provide 9-1-1 emergency services within their city, county, or state. The project team ensured that the daily operations of the PSAPs were not disrupted while conducting the POC tests. POC equipment deployed at the PSAPs was isolated from their live environments, and while call takers participated in the testing, no real 9-1-1 calls were taken using POC equipment.

As part of the POC, the call taker’s graphical user interface software was developed to terminate the calls and perform typical call taker support functions. In the NG9-1-1 environment, the amount and types of data displayed were dramatically increased; however, the call taker participants were able to quickly adapt to the new software with only minimal orientation.
The NG9-1-1 Final System Design document describes the technical design of NG9-1-1 and the POC implementation specifically, and discusses the key considerations and constraints of NG9-1-1 system components. It also provides insight on items for consideration for further research into NG9-1-1 technology.

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The Next Generation 9-1-1 (NG9-1-1) Initiative is a research and development project funded by the US Department of Transportation (USDOT) to define the framework and plan to deploy Internet Protocol (IP)-based emergency communications across the nation. The project has helped to define the concept of operations, functional requirements, and system architecture, and to develop a transition plan that considers implementation costs, values, and risks.

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