Keywords advisory statements incose board liaison statements technical board
Standards groups

O.3.1 Committee Position – Several years ago, GEIA expanded its annual Configuration
and Data Management Conference to embrace the systems engineering community as
well. The conference was renamed the Engineering and Technical Management
Conference to reflect this broader scope. Since it is significantly more focused on DoD
and U.S. aerospace companies interests, it attracts a large number of DoD and aerospace
community leaders and participants; i.e., the presence of DoD and uniformed military
personnel is very noticeable when compared to INCOSE events. GEIA, recognizing
INCOSE systems engineering leadership, has actively pursued INCOSE to be a partner in
the planning and execution of this conference. Although it is a major source of
recognition for INCOSE, support to date has been sporadic and relatively invisible.
INCOSE liaison’s have given tutorials or headed panels concerning systems engineering,
but no overwhelming INCOSE presence has been provided (although the INCOSE
Liaison is recognized at these conferences, there is no INCOSE presentation table
operated by INCOSE leaders educating participants in INCOSE objectives and goals and
highlighting the benefits of INCOSE membership. From GEIA’s perspective, INCOSE
members attend and offer help from time to time, but there is no real INCOSE support as
an organization.

O.3.2 INCOSE Advisory – Although INCOSE’s emphasis is on its own Symposium,
Workshop, and regional conferences, its absence at systems engineering related
conferences significantly weakens INCOSE’s claim to the be leader in systems
engineering affairs. For example, for 2003 the tutorial on ANSI/EIA-632 will be provided
by Zig Rafalik from NAVAIR. In addition, although the INCOSE Liaison will provide
advise and guidance in support of planning, INCOSE will not be providing active
development of conference activities and support in the execution of the conference

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Advisory Statement
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INCOSE has participated in a liaison role to the GEIA SSTC and G-47 SE Committee
for several years. These GEIA organizations have extremely high visibility with, and the
respect of, many of the key OSD (Office of the Secretary of Defense) and DoD
(Department of Defense) organizational units affecting the application of systems
engineering in the defense and aerospace community.

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