[40] Henk Jonkers, Ren´e van Buuren, Farhad Arbab, Frank de Boer, Marcello Bonsangue, Hans Bosma, HugoterDoest,LuukGroenewegen,JuanGuillenScholten,StijnHoppenbrouwers,Maria-Eugenia Iacob, Wil Janssen, Marc Lankhorst, Diederik van Leeuwen, Erik Proper, Andries Stam, Leon van der Torre, and Gert Veldhuijzen van Zanten. Towards a language for coherent enterprise architecture descriptions. Enterprise Distributed Object Computing Conference, IEEE International, 0:28, 2003. [41] Mohamed M. Kand´ e. A Concern-oriented Approach to Software Architecture. PhD thesis, ´Ecole Polytechnique F´ed´eral de Lausanne, 2003. These n. 2796. [42] MohamedM.Kand´e,ValentinCrettaz,AlfredStrohmeier,andShaneSendall. Bridgingthegapbetween IEEE Std 1471, architecture description languages and UML. JournalonSoftwareandSystems Modeling, 1(2):113–129, 2002. [43] Henk Koning, Rik Bos, and Sjaak Brinkkemper. An inquiry tool for stakeholder concerns of architecturalviewpoints: acasestudyatalargefinancialserviceprovider. InEDOCW’06: Proceedingsof the 10th IEEE on International Enterprise Distributed Object Computing Conference Workshops, page 31, Washington, DC, USA, 2006. IEEE Computer Society. [44] HenkKoningandHansvanVliet. Real-lifeITarchitecturedesignreportsandtheirrelationtoIEEE Std 1471 stakeholders and concerns. Automated Software Engineering, 13(2):201–223, 2006. [45] Philippe Kruchten, Rafael Capilla, and Juan Carlos Dueas. The decision view’s role in software architecture practice. IEEE Software, 26(2):36–42, March–April 2009.
Tracesthehistoricalevolutionofthinkingaboutsoftwarearchitecturerepresentationand advocates a decision viewpoint cross-cutting other architectural views.
[46] Philippe B. Kruchten. The “4+1” view model of architecture. IEEE Software, 28(11):42–50, November 1995.
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Thisisanannotatedbibliographyofpapers,reportsandbookspertainingtoANSI/IEEEStd1471(now alsointernationalstandardISO/IEC42010). ItwasoriginallypreparedforISO/IECJTC1/SC7WG42, theArchitectureworkinggroupoftheSystemsandSoftwareEngineeringSubcommitteeofISO.WG42 is the body performing the joint ISO and IEEE revision of IEEE 1471 as ISO/IEC 42010. Pertaining to includes documents which were inspirations for IEEE 1471, citations of IEEE 1471, and documents inspired by IEEE 1471. In some cases, the relationship is provided in the annotations. Please send any additions or corrections to the author at r.hilliard@computer.org.