SYSTEM Engineering & Software Engineering Standards and Models

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ANSI/EIA-632-1998, Processes for Engineering a System, January 1999. Available from Global Information Centre, IHS Australia, email sends email). [ is external)]

Capability Maturity Model® Integration (CMMI). [ is external)]

EIA/IS-632 Systems Engineering, EIA Interim Standard, Electronic Industries Alliance. [ is external)]

EIA/IS-731.1, Systems Engineering Capability Model (SECM), January 1999. [ is external)]

EIA/IS-731.2, Systems Engineering Capability Model Appraisal Method., January 1999. [ is external)]

IEEE 1220
IEEE 1220, IEEE Trial-Use Standard for Application and Management of the Systems Engineering Process, IEEE Std 1220-1994, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, New York, February 28 1995. [ is external)]

IEEE/EIA 12207
Industry Implementation of International Standard ISO/IEC 12207: 1995: Information technology—software life cycle processes. [ is external)]

IEEE Software Standards
[ is external)]

Integrated Product Development (IPD)-CMM draft, 1997. [ is external), is external)]

ISO 12207
Information Technology—Software Life-Cycle Processes, 1995. [ is external)]

ISO 15288 is external)

Software Development and Documentation. [ or contact me]

MIL-STD-499B, Draft Military Standard: Systems Engineering. HQ/AFSC/ EN, Department of Defense, “For Coordination Review” draft, May 6, 1992. [ is external), MIL-STD-499 and 499A can be downloaded from is external)]

Ferguson, Jack, and others, Software Acquisition Capability Maturity Model (SA-CMM) Version 1.01, Technical Report CMU/SEI-96-TR-020, ESC-TR-96-020, December 1996, 162pp. [ is external)]

SECAM: Systems Engineering Capability Assessment Model (version 1.50), INCOSE, June 1996. [ is external)]

A Systems Engineering Capability Maturity Model (SE-CMM), Version 1.1, SECMM-95-01, CMU/SEI-95-MM-003, November 1995, 297pp. [ is external)]

ISO/IEC TR 15504
Software Process Improvement and Capabiltity dEtermination, 1998. [ is external)]

Paulk, Mark C., Bill Curtis, Mary Beth Chrissis and Charles V. Weber, 'Capability Maturity Model for Software, Version 1.1', Technical Report CMU/SEI-93-TR-024, ESC-TR-93-177, February 1993. [ is external)]

Standards and Models References and Web Links

Sheard, Sarah A. and Dr Jerome (Jerry) G. Lake, 'Systems Engineering Standards and Models Compared', Proceedings of INCOSE, 1998. [ is external) /pub/papers /9804-2.html]

Ibrahim, Linda, and others, The Federal Aviation Administration Integrated Capability Maturity Model (FAA-iCMM), Version 1.0, An Integrated Capability Maturity Model for the Acquisition of Software Intensive Systems, November 1997. [ is external)]

Ibrahim, Linda, 'Smart Buying with the Federal Aviation Administration’s Integrated Capability Maturity Model', Crosstalk, October 1998. [ is external)]

Wright, Randall R., 'Process Standards and Capability Models for Engineering Software-Intensive Systems', Crosstalk, October 1998. [ is external)]

Kulpa, Margaret, 'Ten Things Your Mother Never Told You About the Capability Maturity Model', Crosstalk, September 1998. [ is external)]

Bamford, Robert C. and William J. Deibler II, 'Hybrid Multi-Model Assessment - When the CMM Meets ISO 9001', Crosstalk, September 1998. [ is external)]

Schaeffer, Mark D., 'Capability Maturity Model Process Improvement', Crosstalk, May 1998. [ is external)]

Sheard, Sarah A., 'The Frameworks Quagmire', Crosstalk, September 1997. [ is external)]

Martin, James N., Overview of the EIA 632 Standard -“Processes for Engineering a System” (TUTORIAL G), 30 September 1998. [ is external)]

Sheard, Sarah A., Dr. Linda Ibrahim, Susan Rose, and Wafa Makhlouf., 'Two Approaches to CMM Integration', Proceedings of INCOSE, 1998. [ is external)]

Bate, Roger and Sandy Shrum, CMM Integration (CMMI) Framework, SEI Interactive, December 1998. […(link is external)]

Widmann, E. R., 'Key Features of the “Merged” EIA/IS 731-1 Systems Engineering Capability Model', Proceedings of INCOSE, 1998. [ is external)]

Hollenbach, Craig R., and Steve Mosier, 'Developing and Applying a Joint SW-CMM and SECM Appraisal Methodology', Proceedings of INCOSE, 1998. [ is external)]

Armstrong, James R, 'How Maturity Modeling Saved My Softball Team', Proceedings of INCOSE, 1998. [ is external)]

Johnson, Howard, and Alan Breininger, 'Lessons Learned in Applying the Capability Maturity Model to Systems Engineering Process Improvement', Proceedings of INCOSE, 1998. [ is external)]

Velman, J. R. and E. R. Widmann, 'Standards: Their Significance, Uses, and Potential Meaning to the Systems Engineering Community', Proceedings of INCOSE, 1998. [ is external)]

Widmann, E. R., and W. J. Mindlin, 'An Economical Approach to Conducting Assessments of Systems Engineering Capability', Proceedings of INCOSE, 1998. [ is external)]

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