DND/CF Architecture Framework (DNDAF) Vol. 3- DND/CF Architecture Data Model (DADM)

Keywords architecture model arcitecture data model DNDAF

The DND/CF Architecture Framework (DNDAF) provides guidance on producing views and architecture descriptions via a set of sub-views. The resulting products are visual and textual representations of an architecture consisting of sets of data entities. Because a given architecture data entity frequently occurs in more than one sub-view, each architecture must be built on a set of common architecture data entity definitions, otherwise data entered in support of one sub-view will not be accessible in another. The DADM template for each sub-view provides definitions of the entities and attributes, i.e., the architecture data that are updated in the creation of the information content of each sub-view. The attribute definitions provide added detail about the data characteristics.

The architecture data entities are defined in the DADM and provide the structure for storing data about a given architecture that will be captured in the sub-views and stored in an integrated repository. The DADM forms the underlying schema for the repository by defining the entities, the relationships between the entities and the attributes of the entities. It identifies the codes and value options (reference data) that every architecture project will reuse in order to provide the ability to compare and integrate architectures. This reference data will be maintained for each attribute so that the AS-IS and target architectures are defined with consistent and standardized architecture data.

An architecture repository, structurally based upon and consistent with the DADM, facilitates defining and depicting the requisite architecture data entities and their appropriate relationships. The architecture data entities associated with the architecture are defined and implemented to ensure that the architecture repository is integrated and shareable. Interaction by architecture tools with the repository is essential through interface specifications based on the DADM. The DADM will be extended iteratively to capture additional requirements from the DNDAF as it evolves.

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