DND/CF Architecture Framework (DNDAF) Vol. 2- DND/CF Views and Sub-Views

Keywords architecture framework

2.1 Overview
The DNDAF represents the enterprise (DND/CF) in terms of its constituent parts, what those parts do, how they relate to each other and to the environment, as well as the rules and constraints governing them. Within the DNDAF, the DND/CF architectures are described in terms of views and sub-views.

2.2 DNDAF Views
The DNDAF views are as follows: the Common View, (CV), the Operational View (OV), the System View (SV), the Technical View (TV), the Information View (IV) and the Security View (SecV). Within each of the six DNDAF views are sub-views that are interrelated within and across views. Architecture sub-views are those graphical, textual, and tabular items that are developed in the course of gathering architecture data, identifying their composition into related architecture components, and modeling the relationships among those components. Underlying the DNDAF sub-views is the DND/CF Architecture Data Model
(DADM), which defines a standard set of architecture data entities and relationships of architecture data. Refer again to Figure 1.1 for the conceptual relationships between the DNDAF views.

3.1 Overview
Each of the six DNDAF views is further divided into sub-views. Each sub-view describes what information needs to be captured to represent that view. Architecture products are those graphical, textual, and tabular items that are developed in the course of building a given architectural sub-view. All subviews, even those whose primary representation is graphical, shall contain explanatory text. The architecture sub-views are listed in Table 1, located in Section 3.1.1. Sub-view development is an iterative process. Dependencies and relationships between sub-views exist, whereby some must be created before others to ensure the appropriate information is available for further development of the architecture. Each project will be unique by virtue of its objectives and will have unique requirements with respect to the description of its architecture. Emphasis may be placed on producing certain products to meet the needs of that project. Therefore, there is not an expectation of strict adherence to a single build sequence; however, in most cases it is strongly recommended that architects begin with CV-1 followed by OV-1 and IV-1.

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