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You can flexibly search the names and identifiers over over 4.5GB of mainly systems engineering-related documents - for example handbooks, guides, papers and standards. SEG account holders can download these documents. The scope of the search also includes records of key systems engineering documents such as some standards and handbooks that cannot be provided for download for reasons of IP status.
Document identifier Type Title Date Author(s) Size
PGCS 2019 presentation   Infrastructure Investment Program – Overview and Governance Arrangements 2019 Phil McClure 1.79 MB
  Introduction to the SysML v2 Language Textual Notation 2019 17.94 MB
Data Item Description (DID)   OMG System Modeling Language™ (SysML®) v2 Release 2019-12 2019 78.96 KB
PGCS 2019 conference presentation   Organisational Agility 2019 James Bawtree 4.56 MB
conference presentation   POWER OF MANY AND THE UNDOING OF THE MULTITUDES 2019 10.86 MB
conference presentation   Project Benefits Realization- Academics’ Aspiration and Practitioners’ Nightmare 2019 Saeed Munir 799.16 KB
conference presentation   Project Leadership: The game changer in large scale complex projects 2019 Collin Smith 8.07 MB
conference presentation   Project Success by Design: A View from a Function Lead 2019 Stephen McDonald 2.52 MB
conference presentation   Solving tensions of overlapping PM & SE with elegance of complex systems governance approach 2019 Dr Rani Yesudas & Dr Keith Joiner 1.18 MB
  The Future Exchange of Digital Engineering Data and Models: The Future Exchange of Digital Engineering Data and Models: The Future Exchange of Digital Engineering Data and Models: an Enterprise Systems Analysis an Enterprise Systems Analysis 2019 Tom McDermotta, Paul Collopyb, Molly Nadolskic, Christiaan Paredis 1.26 MB