The Future Exchange of Digital Engineering Data and Models: The Future Exchange of Digital Engineering Data and Models: The Future Exchange of Digital Engineering Data and Models: an Enterprise Systems Analysis an Enterprise Systems Analysis

Keywords Digital engineering enterprise transformation systemigram digital information exchange
Standards groups

In June 2018, ODASD/SE released the DoD Digital Engineering Strategy, a comprehensive strategy for the transformation of DoD engineering methods, processes, and tools to the digital age. The strategy outlines five strategic goals for the transformation, targeted to “promote the use of digital representations of systems and components and the use of digital artifacts as a technical means of communication across a diverse set of stakeholders, address a range of disciplines involved in the acquisition and procurement of national defense systems, and encourage innovation in the way we build, test, field, and sustain our national defense systems and how we train and shape the workforce to use these practices.” [1] These goals center on the definition, development, and use of a program “authoritative source of truth” – a government/contractor shared set of digital data and models that move away from static and disconnected program artifacts toward a fully integrated digital information exchange in order to improve the accuracy and timeliness of program decisions across the system lifecycle.

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Tom McDermotta, Paul Collopyb, Molly Nadolskic, Christiaan Paredis
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