Life Cycle Management in NATO

Keywords Life Cycle Management in NATO NATO Cycle Management
Standards groups

• Systems Engineering and Integration (SE&I) which is a collaborative process to derive, evolve, and verify a life cycle balanced system solution that satisfies customer needs and expectations. SE&I provides a structured approach, typically consisting of hardware, software or networking, in a heterogeneous environment to meet business challenges, in other words LCM in the design and development of a system.
• Logistics that is defined by NATO as the science of planning and carrying out the movement and maintenance of forces. This definition clearly stipulates the pre-eminence of support to the war fighter. However in the broader context of Life Cycle Management, logistics could be considered as the life cycle management of resources for systems and operations.
• Total Quality Management (TQM) has the aim to ensure that each activity contributes to achieving the key objectives of the business and is carried out effectively (ref 8). Within NATO's Quality Management System this is done by integrating working processes, optimising internal and external interfaces, and developing good commercial relationships with industry (ref 9). Those are the essential elements of LCM.
• Supply Chain Management is a new business strategy that is getting a lot of attention in our industries which can be defined as (ref 10) - co-ordinating, scheduling and controlling procurement, production, inventories and deliveries of products and services to customers. It includes all the steps you do everyday in your administration, operations, and logistics department(s): Processing information from your customers to suppliers.
The Supply Chain itself is considered to be all inter-linked resources and activities needed to create and deliver products and services to customers.
• Integrated Logistics Support (ILS) is a management function that provides planning, funding, and functioning controls which help to assure that the system meets performance requirements, is developed at a reasonable price, and can be supported throughout its life cycle. It is an integral part of LCM and supports Logistics and SE&I.
• Concurrent Engineering is a systematic approach to creating a product design that considers all elements of the product life cycle from conception of the design to disposal of the product. And in doing so defines the product, its manufacturing processes, and all other required life cycle processes such as logistic support. It can be considered as the application of LCM during the Design Phase.

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Traditionally, NATO acquisition and logistics have operated through a series of relatively independent processes and organisations. The delivery of materiel and services have focused
on each element of the process (e.g., supply, maintenance, transportation, procurement, and finance), each operating independently but interfacing at appropriate points along the delivery path. At the same time, diverse organisations were responsible for stand-alone portions of the logistics process. This approach has resulted in sub-optimal efficiency of the total process, some duplication of effort, and management and technical solutions oriented to individual segments of the process. A focus on customer requirements and satisfaction has been absent or, at best, dependent on each logistics sub-process or organisation's perception of customer needs.

Emilio Fajardo, Robert Herreman
Graeme Glenister, Sergio Di Cicco
Cornelis Bouman
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